Chlenix cs 1.6
Witam. Szukam aimbota takiego, by strzelał w ciało/bańkę bez namierzania na nią tzn. żebym np. strzelał obok kogoś a pocisk trafiałby w niego. Dzięki.Chlenix V 1.0 Active :) Chlenix გასაქტიურებელი კოდები ბევრმა არიცის და მაგიტო.Counter-Strike 1.6 is a first-person shooter developed by Valve Corporation. It was originally developed and released as a modification of Half-Life in 1999, prior to that. Counter strike was first released by Valve on the Microsoft Windows platform in 2000. By and large, CS 1.6 is still a mod for Half-Life.6 Aug 2016 chlenix loginchlenixmela chlenixrage.Download Chlenix.Главная → Фото → Приколы Counter Strike → Chlenix. cs 1.6 сервер Zombie Plague X IP: Ограничение.download chlenix v1.0 for cs 1.6. download chlenix.CS 1.6 - Chlenix v2.0 with download.7 Feb 2019 May 6, 2016 chlenix config is an Counter-Strike 1.6 config download. Download chlenix cs config, other Counter-Strike 1.6 cfgs or view chlenix .CHLENIX 50 like in video for link dowload Like subscribe.
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